Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Radio Ads

So much for one word titles.

Radio ads are sometimes an incredible form of information and entertainment.  Images can be portrayed through pictures.  Sometimes, though, the ads can be a little....irritating. Creepy. Silly.

The creepiest ad I have been hearing recently is the anti smoking campaign ad, in which a woman suggests people record their voices for their grandchildren to hear.  Since the only voice her grandchildren know is the artificial one created by her artificial device.  It is the creepiest ad I have ever heard.  I cannot listen to it, I usually switch stations.  Not that I ever wished to smoke.  I abhor the smell.   But if you know someone who smokes, let him/her listen to it.

While searching for the link, I discovered that she just passed away. I was sad to hear that.  I hope some people quit today based on her video.

On a lighter note,
 the Grossest ads - D-I-N-O-V-I-T-E.
Do we really want to hear about stinky discharge from dogs' ears, smelly oozing pus from postules on the hairy body, breath that reeks,  body odors, emissions, and other disgusting descriptions of what is wrong with someone's dog? Ewww

Saturday, December 6, 2014


what's with flashing or honking friends as you drive by? I was at an intersection off of 306 this afternoon when I heard wild honking. I whipped my head around and shrieked to my kids, "what?! what is it? Do I have a flat? Did I run over a streimel? was it a streimel on a head? Is there a cop honking me? who is it? who is it?"

My kids stopped talking and just stared at me. I had a wild look and my whipping around flipped my shaitel into my mouth, and the ends got caught on my sunglasses. I was frightful looking.

Thank you to my friend who doesn't call me but feels the need to honk like a meshugana when she sees me.

flashing someone from behind them. I was waiting to turn a corner, when a minivan pulled up behind me, like really, really close behind me. then she started flashing her headlights. First I thought, "Are my lights on but they shouldn't be? Are my lights off when they should be on? Did I go through a red light? Was I suppose to turn?"
then I got annoyed and thought, no way is that female flashing her brights because I didn't make the left turn when there was a five second break between the 18 wheeler and the school bus. She must be kidding! I was really irked and distracted, then my youngest shouted, "Hey Ma! It's your friend _____!!"

when I drive, I drive. I flash my brights if it is 8:45 and getting dark and oncoming traffic doesn't have their lights on.

And I honk when someone is walking with their back to the traffic three feet off the shoulder. Or when I pull into a driveway to pick someone up.

You want to talk to me? great! CALL ME ON THE PHONE!!

Tuesday, December 2, 2014


I will now be writing posts with a single word as the post title.
 twill be a real challenge for me, Miss Wordy.

54 people looked at my previous post!? 
I am the Sally Fields of blogging

What Is The Real Meaning Of Tzniyus?

Truthfully?  I have no clue.
I mean of course I do, but I don't feel like going into it.
A poster on my previous blog entry stated her daughter thought it might be Un-Tzniyasdik to give a picture of herself.  As a result, the boy declined to date her.

I don't agree about it being untzniyusdik.  They will be spending time together in close quarters, hopefully making eye contact.  That's what you do on dates.  He's gonna see her anyway, the picture isn't inappropriate for that reason.  But to nix a shidduch cuz you DIDN'T get a picture?

First of all:   Good for you!  Good for you and your daughter for not capitulating and giving in to this idiocy of demanding a picture.  I would venture to say that he was not Your Intended One.  I cannot imagine that H' (Hashem) would allow a bashert to slip through your hands because you didn't give him a picture.
I believe we can blame (cuz I love to do that) the shadchanim.
If every single shadchan out there would refuse to give pictures of girls, what would happen?  Boys would actually have to risk a date with someone who doesn't look like what they think or more often their mother thinks is the ideal look for their son!
And for you boys' mothers who say,  "you know what's involved for a boy to date? He has to give up seder, rent a car, shower/shave/get dressed, drive (let's say up to Monsey, for Brooklyn people that's practically Canada), pay for drinks/dinner/mini golf/parking/tolls, then drive back!  that's hours and hours and lotsa moola and what if the minute he walks in the door he doesn't like her looks? Let's avoid that problem!

Let's teach our boys that it's not just about looks! That you can attempt to have a conversation with someone who might not be "your look" but might prove to be interesting! engaging! cute! charming!